Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Be An Author - Introduction

There are so many things to be learned when entering a career of writing. Challenges, obstacles, and such lie around (and in front of) every corner. Many lose heart before the journey is through—some before it ever started.

But fear not, as good news is here! For those who are authors, and those who wish to be authors, this bold, decisive statement of ultimate importance will make all the difference: The world of being a writer is just as glamorous, exciting, and every bit as fulfilling as rumor makes it out to be. That is, of course, made possible by the fact that it doesn’t exist. But what good are fictitious creations if we can’t say with certainty that they are, in fact, just as we created them? And why would we want to create a world so vivid unless we could use it to eat our hearts out, or to convince others that it’s actually the world we live in? (The possibilities are literally endless!)

There is a reason why 90% of all fiction books published never sell more than a thousand copies. There’s also a reason why this race is such a dangerous, risky one to get into. With social media mutating the rules like Darwin’s theory on steroids, and the demands on authors accelerating beyond breaking point, getting established and acquiring a fan base requires more than just one or two strong points - it requires a broad understanding of the entire process, time, devotion, originality, and a cool slogan like, “Rights for one-celled organisms!”
Having your friends invite their friends to join you on facebook and myspace just doesn’t cut it. (Although it does help. Like, it really helps a lot.) (No seriously…it really helps a ton!)

This flyer series of lectures will briefly cover each of the various elements of writing, from drafting query letters to handling immense fame. Hopefully, you’ll learn most of what NOT to do. (I assure you that anything you actually learn TO do is merely coincidental, and the author is not responsible.)

Until next week, remember: Our luck at something completely depends at how much work we put into it. (And you always wanted to know why some guys have so much luck with girls…)

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