Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Project Devastation - Manuscript Update

The manuscript has about a month's hard labor put into it--that means about 110,000 words. The only problem: I am just getting into the story line. (In the future, I may consider planning multiiple novels from any vague plot drafts that exceeds 50,000 words itself.)

The final draft, will of course, be highly revised and altered from its current state, but on that note, I think it is going well.  So far, the creation process has been comnpletely inverted from my expectations.  You'd think I would be used to it by now.  The worries I had prior to comencing the novel have so far resolved themselves, and several of the points I was most excited about have given me unexpected trouble. For example, I was most excited about the method in which the plot built and developed.  It has been doing that fine, but I´ve already surpassed The Viper Project's completed length and I estimate that I am about half done. The second source of excitement, was of course, the Known Galaxy and all the worldbuilding I put into it. I have already deleted PAGES (literally) of explanations and details into their culture and technology. After writing several pages of explanations and only scratching the surface, I decided I would have to take a different approach, and not try to explain anything. The book is consisent enough that the readers will eventually catch on--probably a lot faster than I would.

As soon as I realized how lengthy the projected plot would become, I began trying to simplify and merge events together.  I've done this with five scenes so far, but I'm starting to realize it needs to happen on a MUCH larger scale.  Life is hard.

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